Will I or Will I not get a meeting with and explanation from the City Finance Director?
From: finis tupper Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 9:09 AM To: adrienne monillas (adrienne.monillas@ci.edmonds.wa.us); 'Diane Buckshnis'; dj wilson (djwilson@ci.edmonds.wa.us); michael plunkett (michaelppp98@yahoo.com); steve Bernheim (council@stevebernheim.com); strom peterson (peterson@ci.edmonds.wa.us) Subject: FW: Ogden Murphy Wallace Law PLLC 2009 Legal Costs Although gambling isn’t allowed in Edmonds, thanks to Mr. Orvis – how about getting our Mayor to start a pool on whether I get a meeting with Mr. Hines. ______________________________________ From: finis tupper Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 8:59 AM To: 'Hines Jr., Lorenzo'; 'Chase, Sandy' Subject: RE: Ogden Murphy Wallace Law PLLC 2009 Legal Costs Dear Mr. Hines: Were you being disingenuous when you stated that “I’m always open to meeting with members of the community to provide clarifying information”? If you are not aware, I am currently a member of the community. My calendar is open Ju...