Edmonds Comprehensive Plan - Changes!

MAY 12, 2010
Update on Comprehensive Plan purpose, effect, and context amendments and Hearing Examiner comprehensive plan review requirements.

The purpose of a Comprehensive Plan is to establish a long-range plan, looking into the future, addressing the needs and vision relating to land use, transportation, parks and open space, community facilities and economic development. The Edmonds Comprehensive Plan sets a foundation for decision-making from a broad and far-reaching policy standpoint for all governmental action even though the plan itself is not regulatory.

The most important power and duty granted to the City of Edmonds is the authority and responsibility to regulate land-use for the sole purpose of protecting and promoting public health, safety and general welfare of current and future citizens.

All private projects requiring city review and approval should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.

All public projects should have Hearing Examiner review and advisory opinion. All public projects and street vacations must be consistent with and satisfy the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. Having this requirement of a Hearing Examiner advisory opinion for all public projects, capital facilities projects and street vacations provides additional public participation and ensures the city council has another legal opinion ensuring consistency.

Planning Staff’s recommendation to the Planning Board to make changes to the Effect of Plan is inconsistent and contrary to the Edmonds Municipal Code (EMC) and Hearing Examiner duties. Specifically EMC 10.35(F) requires hearing examiner review, Vacations and Dedications, The hearing examiner will review the comprehensive plan and report on the same prior to any street vacation of dedication as provided in ECDC 15.05.020.

ECDC 15.05.020 was the Comprehensive Plan, Effect of Plan prior to the 1997 adoption of the Comprehensive Plan as a separate stand alone document. The Mayor and City Staff admit their failure to not act according to the mandatory requirement of a Hearing Examiner advisory opinion prior to Council decision-making in the adoption of the street vacations, capital facilities and property purchases. This failure is not a good enough reason to make changes to the current Comprehensive Plan. Saying long ago adopted procedure was forgotten and does not apply does not make it ripe for wholesale edit and elimination.

The Planning Board should not accept any change to the current Edmonds Comprehensive Plan that is inconsistent with the Edmonds Municipal Code. Action like this just makes the process less certain and more contentious for those of us who know the code and understand the meaning of the words.


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