Edmonds Events - from Rich

Well, the weather seems to be signaling that Autumn is approaching, but no need to fret ... there’s lots going on in Edmonds that might interest you. So here’s an update from your friendly, neighborhood, Precinct Committee Officer ... and Edmonds advocate.

· The Edmonds City Council Primary results are in... well, sort of...

Diane Buckshnis (http://www.dianebuckshnis.com/) won the primary for Edmonds City Council Position 2. And she received more votes than any city council candidate participating in the primary. That makes her one for one in Edmonds elections. Her opponent in the upcoming general election, Strom Peterson –the appointed incumbent–, is zero for three in Edmonds elections. No doubt a close general election is anticipated, but the results indicate Diane effectively communicated her issue-based, Community-focused message and that it is being well-received. As Diane says, “When elected, I intend to advocate for the ENTIRE Edmonds Community because, I believe, Community Interests Come First!”

Adrienne Fraley-Monillas won the primary for Edmonds City Council Position 3. Her opponent is yet to be decided because a mandatory recount is being scheduled due to the closeness of the vote. Lora Petso currently leads the incumbent, Ron Wambolt, by only three votes; only the top two vote getters move on to the General Election. Yep, every vote really does count! But as Adrienne says, “The primary results indicate the Edmonds community has signaled their desire for change.”

· Are you aware that the City of Edmonds is currently exploring a “sale” of the Edmonds Fire/EMS Services and assets to Snohomish County Fire District #1? The issue is a complicated one that has both advantages and concerns... too complicated to address here. But from my perspective, three questions need to be addressed: 1) What is best long-term fire/EMS service arrangement for our community, 2) What is the best long-term arrangement for our firefighters (IAFF District Union Local #1828 supports the contract for services arrangement), and then, 3) What is the appropriate value and financial terms for this contract. You may want to pay attention to the upcoming discussions closely, as these changes impact your public safety services. Interestingly, the current schedule for discussion and public hearings, outlined by Council President D.J. Wilson, leads to a likely vote on this option by October 27th; that would be PRIOR TO the upcoming City Council election.
ü It’s worth noting that the Edmonds Fire Department is one of the proudest and longest serving fire departments in Washington State. Founded on 1904, the Edmonds Fire Department has grown to be one of the most respected departments in Puget Sound. And regardless of the outcome of these considerations and negotiations, our Fire Department deserves our loyal support honoring their dedicated service for over 100 years. Have you thanked an Edmonds firefighter today?!

· Sustainable Edmonds and the Amphibian Center, Just Frogs –Toads too!, have teamed together to sponsor and host the September Snohomish County GreenDrinks (Wednesday, September 9) event in Edmonds (300 Admiral Way, Suite 104; under Arnie's restaurant, near the beach dock just south of the ferry terminal). If you wear green you will get 10% off of any purchase in the store.
Check out this article about the opening of the Amphibian Center, Just Frogs – Toads too!, on the Edmonds waterfront... www.heraldnet.com/article/20090803/NEWS01/708039924.

  • Food and beverages will be provided by The Cheesemonger, PCC, Gallaghers U-Brew it and others.
    Be sure to bring your glass or mug so you can toast our planet "while we figure out ways to NOT toast the planet!”
    Learn more about GreenDrinks here... www.greendrinks.org/.

    · The Birders are coming, the birders are coming! The spotlight will be on birds once again at PUGET SOUND BIRD FEST in Edmonds, Friday through Sunday, September 11-13! This year’s festival will feature many of the same activities as in past years, as well as some new opportunities to learn about and observe birds at home in their habitats. Check out the Puget Sound Bird Fest web site for more details and a schedule of activities... http://www.pugetsoundbirdfest.com/.
    ü And coinciding with Bird Fest, the nonprofit organization, Center for Creative and Humanitarian Endeavors, is hosting a special “Fly Away Home” movie night on Saturday, September 12 (7:00 PM) at the “Rose House” (555 Main Street, Edmonds). See the attached flyer for more info.

    · The Rose House, Center for Creative and Humanitarian Endeavors, has also initiated a Community Challenge to find at least 300 generous individuals and businesses to step up and make a tax deductible recurring donation of at least $10 a month for one year to cover the expense of renting the house and opening its doors to the community. This will allow the volunteers, comprising the Center for Creative and Humanitarian Endeavors, to focus their energies on raising larger donation to, ultimately, purchase the home for use as a community enrichment center. See the attached Rose House Concept Paper and Community Challenge Press Release for more info.

    · And if Classic Cars are your style... Mark your calendars for the Edmonds Classic Car Show, happening on Sunday, September 13! Enjoy this family show in downtown Edmonds. Both the Greater Edmonds Chamber of Commerce and Edmonds merchants and restaurants join in welcoming you to this event. If you have any questions, please call the Car Show at 425-275-0699 or email edmondscarshow@gmail.com.

    · Get ready for the upcoming holiday season by attending an evening presentation entitled, "Tips and tricks for celebrating a Green Halloween (and beyond)," on Sept. 17th at 7:00 PM at the Edmonds PCC Natural Market located at 9803 Edmonds Way. Mother-daughter co-authors of the book, Celebrate Green! Creating Eco-Savvy Holidays, Celebrations and Traditions for the Whole Family and founders of http://www.greenhalloween.org/ and http://www.celebrategreen.net/ will offer fresh ideas on how to create holiday traditions that are sustainable and enriching. The event is hosted by Sustainable Edmonds. See the attached flyer for more info.

    Yep, there’s always something happening in Edmonds!


    Richard I. Senderoff, Ph.D.
    Precinct Committee Officer (Elected): Edmonds 34
    21st Legislative District, 1st Congressional District

    Edmonds Economic Development Commission- Commissioner
    Rose House, Center for Creative and Humanitarian Endeavors- Board Member
    Edmonds Backyard Wildlife Habitat Community Certification Program- Steering Committee Member
    Sustainable Edmonds- Member


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