Numbers never lie, rather liars figure!

To the Edmonds Mayor, your presentation is an illogical analysis of the current and future revenue and expense compared to existing budget and the Fire District 1 proposal to provide fire and EMS services. Needless to say, the cost savings are an exaggeration. The Mayor and Interim Finance Director have manipulated the numbers to present a more favorable result to the council and public. THE PROBLEM WITH THE MAYOR’S PRESENTATION IS BOTH A PROJECTED REVENUE AND A PROJECTED EXPENSE ARE PROBLEMATIC!

The first discrepancy found in the Mayor’s presentation is the EMS transport fee to the tune of $700,000. This revenue figure appears in the Comparison of City Operated Fire Department -vs.- Contracting for Services and then the tax revenue magically disappears from the Fire and EMS Contract Services with Fire District 1 spreadsheet. Nowhere in the Mayor’s PowerPoint presentation does he reveal the EMS Transport Fee revenue disappears from the City’s revenue and does not appear in the Fire District 1 cost of service model.

The EMS Transport Fee is a new regulatory fee adopted by the City Council in November 2008, with an effective January 1, 2009. In December 2008, the council approved a one-year contract with a Poulsbo company to collect the EMS Transport Fee for a cost of $22.00 per Medical Incident Report. The fee includes Basic Life Support Emergency fee $475.00, Advance Life Support Level I $700.00, Advance Life Support Level II $800.00, plus mileage at a per loaded mile rate of $15.50.

Edmond's Fire District 1 Contract Offer language, paragraph 4.8, EMS Transport Fees, states, The District understands and acknowledges that the City presently charges fees for basic life support and advanced life support transports occurring with the City. Effective with the Commencement Date of this agreement, the District shall apply the District’s EMS transport policies and procedures and fee schedule to the City and jurisdictions served by the City. The District shall retain all collected fees, and bear all billing and collection costs.

Nowhere found in the Mayor’s presentation are the District’s policies, procedures and fees for District 1’s EMS Transport fee. Nor is the $700,000 worth of revenue subtracted from the District service contract or added to the expense of the agreement.

Even more interesting and to the point is the terms and conditions language for Transport Fees in the Mountlake Terrace/Fire District 1 Contract for Fire/EMS Services. Paragraph 4.5 Transport Fees, states, The parties understand and acknowledge that the City presently imposes a fee for basic life support and advanced life support transports occurring within the City. (hereinafter “Transport Fees) The City shall retain the authority to set the Transport Fees amount throughout the term of this Agreement. The District shall receive and collect all Transport Fees on behalf of the City and remit these amounts, less the costs of collection, according to the schedule in paragraph 4.1.1 herein. The District shall be responsible for, and agrees to prepare and provide in a timely fashion, all necessary documentation and/or reports and provide the same to the billing agency for Transport Fees. The District shall have no obligation to pursue collection of delinquent accounts. The parties shall mutually agree to the particular billing and/or collection agency to be contracted with and used by the District for City imposed Transport Fees.

The Mountlake Terrace contract provides revenue to pay for the Fire/EMS contract. Why is the Edmonds contract not similar? Also the Mountlake Terrace agreement protects the citizens of Mountlake Terrace from exorbitant District EMS Transport fees and excessive collection tactics.

More issues to come!


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