Tall Buildings proposed on Edmonds Waterfront

This morning the City of Edmonds published notice of SEPA Determination of Significance and Request for Comments for 190 Sunset Ave N. Public Comment Welcomed but most likely ignored!

Last Saturday April 10th, Mayor Haakenson posted a comment on the My Edmonds News - "Tall building “fever” strikes again in Edmonds!" Haakenson couldn't have been more on point, but instead of being factual he went on to say, "Let’s take some deep breaths folks and act on facts not rumors." Councilman DJ Wilson went on thanking the Mayor for this post and saying "There are no proposals on the table – in fact there is barely a process begun."

Your comments on the proposed rezone of ESC Associate property for a contract rezone from Community Business (BC) to General Commercial (CG and CG2), which would allow for the development of Sunset Landing, a mixed use, transit oriented development. Sunset Landing is two structures that include two levels of parking wrapped by commercial spaces which form a "podium" for residential structures above is needed and encourged. Each podium provides space for two residential structures above, the southern one with a total height of 60 feet and a northern one with a height of 75 feet.

Councilman DJ Wilson in his last campaign received and spent a $3,000.00 donation from ESC Associates.

Send your comments about this project to haakenson@ci.edmonds.wa.us or djwilson@ci.edmonds.wa.us


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