Adopt an Edmonds Park

City Council member Diane Buckshnis promotes a new citizen involvement program “Adopt a Park.”

With over 60 parks the City of Edmonds could use some elbow grease and volunteer effort. Councilmember Diane Buckshnis said, "In line with fulfilling our Comprehensive Plan for Community Health and Environmental Quality, I think it is time to start working on our environment at a grass-roots level by helping keep our parks clean."

"So why not continue to inspire, educate and engage our children and others on the importance of giving back to the environment and our City by adopting an area/park or street."

"Let's lead by example and be leaders. It's as easy as contact the City of Edmonds Parks and Recreation Department and asking for the forms. Get your neighbors involved and if you don't have a park close, just do a neighborhood clean-up day or contact any local organizations such as the Edmonds Backyard Habitat Group and ask them where you can help."

Only one volunteer needs to stepforward to begin the process.

Councilmember Diane Buckshnis presented the Adopt A Park Project at the March 23rd City Council meeting.


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