DJ Wilson's WIPE OUT

Will Yost Pool open this summer?

NO, the Pool will not open according to Council President D.J. Wilson.

1. Council President Wilson told the Levy Committee the Mayor's Program Budget Cuts will not be considered or changed by the group of citizens.

2. At the March 24th, Council Meeting Council President Wilson introduced the Mayor and the Agenda Item on the Budget Cuts. In his introduction, Wilson clearly stated the decision was made and Yost Pool would not be opened this year.

3. Now on the King 5 Evening News, Council President Wilson has raised the bar for a citizens group made up of Pool users in their Herculean effort to raise private donations. The Mayor advised the pool group, the city would need $30,000. Wilson has notified a new extraordinary figure of $120,000 needed to open Yost Pool.

Council President Wilson is talking out of both sides of this mouth and at the same time thwarting the public initiative to keep Yost Pool open for our citizens. As citizens, we can be appreciative of the rest of the Edmonds City Council for not seconding Council President Wilson's motion of his Council Resolution supporting the Mayor's Program Cuts that forget the past and give up on the future of our fine community.


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