My Questions to Mayor Nelson - No Response.

2/11/2020 City Contracts and Agreements

Whose responsibility is it to ensure all city contracts and agreements are followed and current?

Is it the City Clerk or the City Attorney or is it the Mayor that tracks the expiration dates of city contracts and agreements?

2/14/2020 Open Public Meeting Act Training Ord. 4172

Please provide me the City or State law that allows you to sign Ordinance No. 4172 as approved rather than former Mayor Earling.  

Can somebody other than the Mayor on the date the City Council voted approve an Ordinance, especially a Councilmember such as yourself who voted on the Ordinance? 

 If so, could you have also vetoed the very Ordinance which you voted for on November 19, 2019?  

Can a member of the legislative branch of government both vote for and sign an ordinance? 

 Is that proper separation of authority between the legislative body and the Mayor's office?

Assuming you were provided individual notice, did it indicate the expected date of publication would be late January, 2020?

 If so, did you ask the City Attorney which Mayor was going to sign Ordinance No. 4172? 

Who scratched out David O. Earling's name on Ordinance No. 4172 and typed in your name? 

Did the Office of the City Attorney approve this as to form before or after David O. Earling's name was scratched out? 

Has the City Clerk violated ECC 1.03 and therefore subject to prosecution and penalties?

2/15/20 Open Public Meeting Act Training Ord. 4172

When the ministerial mistakes were discovered did you and the City Clerk consult with City Attorney? 

Did you and the City Clerk reference the Edmonds City Code 1.03? 

4/30/20 Edmonds Food Bank Truck

Please explain why your staff didn’t provide me a copy of the check and warrant for the following on 4/27/20. 

Is there really a Mayor Nelson or is it a figment of my imagination? 


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