
Showing posts from May, 2010

Will I or Will I not get a meeting with and explanation from the City Finance Director?

From: finis tupper Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 9:09 AM To: adrienne monillas (; 'Diane Buckshnis'; dj wilson (; michael plunkett (; steve Bernheim (; strom peterson ( Subject: FW: Ogden Murphy Wallace Law PLLC 2009 Legal Costs Although gambling isn’t allowed in Edmonds, thanks to Mr. Orvis – how about getting our Mayor to start a pool on whether I get a meeting with Mr. Hines. ______________________________________ From: finis tupper Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 8:59 AM To: 'Hines Jr., Lorenzo'; 'Chase, Sandy' Subject: RE: Ogden Murphy Wallace Law PLLC 2009 Legal Costs Dear Mr. Hines: Were you being disingenuous when you stated that “I’m always open to meeting with members of the community to provide clarifying information”? If you are not aware, I am currently a member of the community. My calendar is open Ju...

Who's confused?

My email to Lorenzo Hines, Finance Director - City of Edmonds Dear Mr. Hines, Thank you for your offer to meet with the public and explain the accounting information provided by your department. Recently, you provided two different reports accounting for the same check payments to Ogden Murphy Wallace PLLC. The first report was a Vendor Master Report and the second report was Check History Listing Report. I am perplexed by your claim that the Vendor Master Report contained duplicate entries "due to an isolated software issue that only affected that report." Please understand my skepticism that only this report would be impacted by some unexplained and "isolated software issue". The "Vendor Master Report/Vendor Check History" Report lists check number 111583, dated May 7, 2009, related to invoice # 674159 in the amount of $56,381.98. Under "Stat", it indicates "C", which I believe means the check Cleared the bank. The report als...

City Attorney payments

The City of Edmonds Finance Department explains the duplicate payments to Ogden Murphy Wallace PLLC. The Council approved payments were voided How to Neutralize Dissenters Make the whistleblowers, instead of their message, the issue: Discredit the dissent by attacking the dissenter's professional competence or virtually anything else that will work to cloud the issue.products and expanded co-op principles -Courage Without Martyrdom: A Survival Guide for Whistleblowers, by the Government Accountability Project

City Attorney legal expertise

If you get a chance read the May 18, 2010 - City Council Meeting Minutes - Agenda 12 DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON REQUEST TO MAYOR OF CITY OF EDMONDS BY EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL FOR INFORMATION REGARDING LEGAL FEES PAID BY THE CITY OF EDMONDS FROM JANUARY 1, 2009 THROUGH APRIL 28, 2010. The Mayor doesn't want to provide the information to the City Council. The City Attorney states the Mayor doesn't have to provide financial information to City Council citing Ch. 35A.012.030 RCW Eligibility to hold elective office. It appears that the City Attorney has received $81,194.27 in duplicate payments for same the invoice in 2009. Unbelievable.

Edmonds Comprehensive Plan - Changes!

EDMONDS PLANNING BOARD MEETING - MAY 12, 2010 Update on Comprehensive Plan purpose, effect, and context amendments and Hearing Examiner comprehensive plan review requirements. 7PM The purpose of a Comprehensive Plan is to establish a long-range plan, looking into the future, addressing the needs and vision relating to land use, transportation, parks and open space, community facilities and economic development. The Edmonds Comprehensive Plan sets a foundation for decision-making from a broad and far-reaching policy standpoint for all governmental action even though the plan itself is not regulatory. The most important power and duty granted to the City of Edmonds is the authority and responsibility to regulate land-use for the sole purpose of protecting and promoting public health, safety and general welfare of current and future citizens. All private projects requiring city review and approval should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. All public projects should ha...