
Showing posts from April, 2020

Gift of Public Funds - Democracy not a Dicatorship

FACT: There is no Community and Economic Relief Fund in the adopted 2020 City of Edmonds Budget. FACT: There are no agreements for services between the City of Edmonds and the Edmonds Chamber of Commerce, Edmonds Senior Center and the Edmonds Food Bank. FACT: City never solicited services for the poor and infirmed. State Law RCW 35A.33.120: Transfers between individual appropriations within any one fund may be made during the current fiscal year by order of the city's chief administrative officer subject to such regulations, if any, as may be imposed by the city council. Notwithstanding the provisions of RCW 43.09.210 or of any statute to the contrary, transfers, as herein authorized, may be made within the same fund regardless of the various offices, departments or divisions of the city which may be affected. RCW 42.24.080 - Municipal corporations and political subdivisions--Claims against for contractual purposes--Auditing and payment--Forms--Authentication and...

Police Chief Lawless Appointment and Confirmation

Mayor Michael Nelson announces his appointment of Police Chief Lawless subject to the confirmation of the City Council.  The City Council in making this most important decision should follow the policies and procedures as codified in City Code. The Police Chief is an appointive officer. Prior to confirmation, the City Council is required to interview the top three candidates. This requirement may be waived by motion adopted by a majority plus one vote of the full council to interview only two candidates, not one candidate.  Besides the fact, the Mayor's made the decision to contract with a recruitment firm for a national search of candidates for this position without council approval. Also the City has already spent our hard earned tax dollars in this endeavor.  Why doesn't the City follow the policies and procedures in the City Code?  ECC 2.10.005.A:  Appointive Officer. For the purposes of this chapter, “appointive officer” means the following c...

City of Edmonds needs to do a better job of following the law!

It's been 30 days since Mayor Michael Nelson declared by his Proclamation of a State of Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. So, did the Mayor act legislatively by not at soonest available date bring forth a Resolution for City Council approval. I haven't been able to find an approved Council Resolution. Let's talk about what the Emergency Order failed to include: 1. Requiring Citizens to sing Happy Birthday when washing their hands, 2. Calling the virus COVID-19 instead of the Chinese Virus or better yet using the Democratic label the Trump Virus, 3. Requiring Citizens to have only one weeks supply of toilet paper, 4. Giving citizens a tax break instead of cosigning the 2 million dollar loan for the Edmonds Waterfront Center. 5. Outlawing of hand shaking and requiring citizens to sanitize their elbows before and after any  elbow bumping. 6. The Mayor outlawed guns but he forgot to include nunchucks, bear spray and bayonets. I could go on and on but enou...